Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dear Students:

I hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here's a video-message to you to inform you that our classes on Friday will be held at the "2005 Conference in ELT at Technical Colleges and Universities" on OUR CAMPUS in Building IB (201).

You are REQUIRED to attend the Conference during our class meeting times! Also, you must, on November 11th, give me a ONE-PAGE, DOUBLE-SPACED, 12-PT. FONT, 2.5 CENTIMETERS FROM EACH MARGIN (see video!) PAPER about:

1) The title of the talk (speech) you attended
2) Some detail about the topic
3) Your feelings about the talk (speech)
4) What you learned by attending the talk

Please remember that THERE IS NO PERFECT ANSWER; I just want to hear your perfectly honest feelings about the talk (speech) that you attended.

Thanks, and I hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!



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